Tuesday, December 16, 2014

A travel blog

  Four years ago my family decided to spend our summer holiday in another country. My parents and I spent some time looking for a holiday resort in Tunisia.

First, we had to decided how to travel to Tunisia. There were two posibilities to travel by ship or by plane. We chose to travel by plane because it was much faster and more comfortable. I was very excited ant too worried because it was the first time for me to take a plane. Two days after our arrival we organised an excursion to see part of the Sahara desert. We rode a camels which was a very amazinge experience for us. Finally, we visited the city and tried some Tunisian food and the special drink tea.

It was really incredible and if I had free time I would visit this country again.

Student administrator

I'm writing this post because I would need a volunteer to set him as an administrator of this blog. I need a creative and original students at the same time as productive as his/her main task would be to improve the blog layout: merging font and size, changing header, managind gadget... Please, if you're interested, email me as soon as possible.  Thank you!

Image taken from here

“Creativity is seeing what everyone else has seen, and thinking what no one else has thought.” – Einstein

Saturday, December 13, 2014

A crazy day

    My funny friend and I had a very good time few weeks ago. We went to Madrid in order to do wing suit. I had never tried it before.

    First, my instructor Manu gave us the gear and while we were putting on it, he explained us what we were going to do. Then, we got on the small plane and in a flash, we began to fly. We took a camera and we put it on the helmet. Therefore, Manu screamed and we had to jump quickly. It was amazing! I didn’t believe it! Indeed we were taking a high risk unless we were having the belts. We looked like flying squirrels and it was so fanny.

    At the end, Manu gave us a video and some photos when we were flying. I’m not tired to see them. The next year, my friend and I want to do it again.

Friday, December 12, 2014

First house party with my girlfriend Bea

Yesterday was the best day ever. I was with my girlfriend Bea, we went to a huge house party for our first time. We had never been there together before. We met at 19:45h in front of the fisher's , then, we walked to the house.

First, i didn't meet anyone thus I decided to begin some conversations. As all the people was bea's friends she was enjoying the party during all night but not me so I started drinking a bit. I played some music on and it sounded nicely on the headphones. They introduced me some new people and we started to talk lively. Suddenly I realised that my ex-girlfriend was also there and it was a big surprise for me! There was much food, drinks, snacks.. and I tasted everything there. I really felt a very alone at this party because Bea's friends are very shy, for that reason they only talked to each other. I have to recognize that I thought that the party was going to be better than it was.

Generally I use to enjoy going to parties but I was really bored in that one. In my opinion, I believe
that I didn't like to anybody there. Nevertheless for me being with my dear girlfriend is always enjoyable.

In conclusion, next time I will go out, I expect to do it with my real friends. Finally I think that was an unforgetable experience for me due to it was my first time out with Bea.

The most amazing experience ever.

Two years ago I experienced the most amazing thing I've ever done. I went on a travel because of a scholarship. I went with a host family previously chosen by the school. The travel was to the most beautiful city I've ever seen, Bordeaux.

I met my host family at the airport. I was a little bit shy but by the end of the three months I felt much more confident. I actually had to go with my "french brother" to school and take exams as they did. I had my own grades and had to pass all my exams. My host family took me to all the important places of the city and  region's places too.. I went to the beach (Even though my travel took place in January), I hung out... I lived life as they actually do.

Excepting the fact that the language was difficult for me at the beginning, It's the most exciting experience of my life. First you feel like you aren't at home but that feeling disappears. I actually felt like I was at home by the second week. I would highly recommend this to all my mates.

I travel to Bordeaux every time I can. For example this summer I'm going with my brother for a month, I am even going to rent a house. I would even study my career there if I had the opportunity.


Yesterday was a great day. I went surfing with my friends. When I arrived to the beach I met the teachers of the surf school of Almuñecar.

My instructor, Martin showed to us the equipment. He explain us what we were going to do.

First, we put on a wetsuit .We toke the surfboard and we were practising on the sand. After that we went to the water and we had to swim over the surf board. Later we got up on the board but I fell down. It was very dificult. Finalliy we took a board trip with the teachers.

It was unforgettable. I will book more sesions with this school to learn basic rules of this sport.

Shannon (Ireland)

Last Christmas I went to Ireland for an exchange and it was an awesome exchange for the first time. We went and arrived by plane, from Malaga to Shannon that is the capital of Ireland.
First, when we arrive at Shannon airport the School Director’s carry us to the bus then we went to the school, there we were eating with our partner and then we go home to rest. During the week we had to go to the school but sometimes we went to museums.
It was totally awesome. If I had the opportunity to go for an exchange I won’t think about it I’ll just go.


Hi everyone! After two months of inactivity, I'm back to tell you about my summer holidays. I went to Cantabria in July, and it's a nice place to visit! Let me tell you about how it looks like.
First of all, Cantabria has got a cold, windy and rainy weather. So, if you're planning to go there, don't forget to take a pair of sweaters and an umbrella. I suggest you to visit the hanging houses, the cave called "El Soplao", the birth of Asón river, San Vicente de la Barquera and Santillana del Mar. They are my favourite places! San Vicente de la Barquera and Santillana del Mar are really beautiful.
San Vicente is a town of fishermen, it has a long bridge where you can take a breath and take a look at the landscape. Santillana del Mar remembered me the middle ages villages, and I like them a lot. The Hanging Houses are awesome! But you must be crazy if you live there... and the birth of the Asón River is a pretty place where you can take a trip if you like the nature.
I'm so satisfied with my travel, and I hope you enjoyed yours. See you soon, guys!


Last year I went to Mexico, there I went to a National Park with the second biggest reef of the world. This day was the best day ever; I did snorkelling in a fantastic and colorful reef.
First, I met with the guide at beach at 8:00am. He picked up me with his boat and then when we’re going to the reef he stopped the boat to show me a shark breeding. After that we arrived at the reef. I caught my goggles and my fins and I jumped into the sea. The scenery was spectacular, it was an amazing experience. I saw thousands of types of fish and corals of all colors and shapes. After 4 hours snorkelling the guide said that we had to come back.
It was totally fascinating. I booked another session to following day, and it was incredible too. At first, I thought that the second session will be very similar, but the guide toke me to another difference place. Perhaps I’ll go to Australia to snorkelling there next year.

Les Deux Alpes

Last summer I went to a village in the mountains of France called Les Deux Alpes. I had never been in a glacier.

First, I arrived with my ski team at our hotel, and the mountainous scenary was breathtaking. There were plenty of trees and green hills. Beneath that landscape were the snowy mountains where the ski resort was situated.
In the next two weeks we were skiing and in the evening we trained in the grass.
If we had free time after training we did some adventure sports like mountain biking, karting, bobsleigh and rock climbing.
Also we did some great shopping because ther were really big sales in warm clothes.

So this trip was totally awesome. I spent an incredible time with my team mates.
If you decide to go to Les Deux Alpes don't forget to taste the chocolate waffles.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

my travel to France

My travel.

 This year, I have gone to France for my third time. It was for an exchange. We went about twenty six people with two teachers.

 First, we took a bus from the high school at nidnight to go to the Sevilla's airport. We took off in a plane to Paris and a bus picked us and brought us to the small village of Châteauroux. There our french friends were waiting for us. We were too tired because we slept a little because some people were making noises during all the journey. I went to my french friend called Marie and I met all her family. They were really friendly. The next seven days we visited their high school. It was really clean and really big. We didn hear any sound during their classes. We visited the village and other villages round there. We also visited some castles and the city of Tours. On friday we went to a party prepaired by uor french friends. It was cool. The weekend was fantastic. I went with my french family to the village fire station and to the maintenance airport of Châteauroux. I got into a cabin of a Boeing 747! It was amazing!
 I also went to play to Laser Wars. Is into a warehouse, and really likely to paintball, but you shot laser lights. The sunday dinner was really sad. I was going to Paris on next day, but I wasn't going to come there back again. They were really sad, but they enjoyed a lot my company. On monday, we left the village really sad. We spent at Paris three days and we loved it. We visited the Louvre, the Champs Élisées, the Moulin Rouge, and lots of monuments. The third day, we went to the airport to take a plane to Malaga. We arrived to Malaga in the evening. We took a bus to Granada and we arrived at night.
  It was an unforgettable travel that I would repeat every time that I could

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Summer in Scotland

Me and my family really like travelling, and we try to do it as much as possible. Last summer we went to Scotland, because we thought it would be relaxing and uncrowded, and the landscape would be beautiful. We visited many places, but the most exciting thing we did was taking a small scientific boat in the North Sea.

It's a touristic route that starts from John O' Groats, a small town in Scotland's northern coast. The objective is to see the wildlife. It goes around the Orkney Islands and gets back. When the tour started it was sunny, but the weather started to get worse and worse. The waves were almost as tall as the boat itself, and standing was very difficult. The rain was thin, but cold and fast, and the wind was strong. Of course, it was really cold. Despite it all, we saw many different birds, fishes, and grey seals.

It was very cool. The islands of the North Sea are very beautiful, and the birds and seals were amazing. Even the bad weather made it more interesting. We had a very good time, and I'd love to do something like that again.

My travel blog: the most amazing travel!


The years 2007 and 2008 were amazing. I travelled to New york in 2007 and in 2008, I was in a cruise on the Mediterranean sea. But I’m going to explain my amazing experience in USA.

Firstly, I have to say that I was too young to appreciate every single place, roads, squares, markets, shops, museums.. and it makes me feel unhappy. However, I can say that I whatched the Statue of Liberty or Central Park for example; and I have nice memories of that.
I stayed for a week with my whole family, so we can visited lots of places but not all we wanted. We were able to got tickets from Mary Poppin’s theatre. It was really funny. Also, we could visit Moma’s museum and I remember that I was fastinated.
During the week, we went to Central Park and it’s awesome. I have never seen something like that. Now, I like whatching movies that were shot in New York since I can say that I stayed there so I think I’m lucky.
We stayed in apartments that were really confortable, and near from the Empire State Building too.

I have only good memories of that. It was exciting when we were packing our bags to go there and also, it was the first time that I took a plane.
In fact, I would like visit New York again, it has always been my dream, so I can say that I’m in love with New York and USA.

My last experience: bungee jumping!

Yesterday was the best day ever. I went bungee jumping for the first time ever. I was so excited when I went to met my instructor Santi at a bridge in Newzealand in Australia.
First,Santi showed me the equipment and explained to me what to do. Next,they put me the harness and I was on the edge of the bridge. I looked down at the water below me,I was at a great high. It was amazing. I was so scared. The instructor yelled "go" and I jumped with my arms open. It was a 264 metres jump. I screamed a lot but it was amazing and exhilarating.
At the end the instructor pulled me back up onto the bridge.
It was a great experience. I'm going to book myself in to do it again in a few months time. Santi said to be my first time I was very good at it.

Bea Peláez Castro.

What about visiting Rome?

Last year, by the end of the course, my mother decided to visit Rome with me. We didn't know very well if we might choose Rome or Florence but at the end Rome was awesome.

Imagine when a pair of people from the small Granada entered to one of the most beautiful city of the word. First, we were lost in the airport. Luckily, we found some Spanish people who helped us very politely. Then the underground also gave me an impression of a very crowed place.

Our accommodation was situated very close to the Vatican's church. I could almost see it from my bed!
We didn't have much time, just one week which passed very fast, but enough to visit all the famous monuments in Rome. From the Vatican's church and the city center, which was magnificent to the part that I liked the most, the Coloseum.

It was an unforgettable experience which I'll be so happy to repeat at the end of this course again.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

The best 4 weeks of my life!

The best 4 weeks of my life!

Hi everyone! I was interested in leadership, politics, the environment, changing the world and just having a good time with good people, so I registered to attend the Pearson Seminar on Youth Leadership last summer! It's on the beautiful Pearson College UWC campus in Vancouver Island and I met people from all over the world, and they were literally the best people in the world I’ve ever met. It was an amazing experience, and I gained so much insight of the world. We explored issues such as gender and sustainability, and there were lots of guest workshops from amazing experts. We also did talent shows, bungee jumping, kayaking and rock climbing.

I would highly recommend anyone and everyone to go. You don't have to be a leader to attend, just go and have a good time! You will learn so much and the experiences you have will just be life. I feel that I have grown immensely as a person as a result of this program.

I attended PSYL this past summer and it was literally the best 4 weeks of my life!

 Andrea Santana Falces

Saturday, December 6, 2014

A New Vision for Mobile Learning

Queridos padres:

Permitidme compartir este vídeo sobre las ventajas que el uso de dispositivos móviles supone para el aprendizaje de los adolescentes... Siempre bajo una política interna de regulación de los mismos claro. Está en inglés, pero estoy segura de que vuestros hijos os podrán resumir las ideas principales del vídeo, sobre todo aquellos padres que suelen decir lo de " yo es que soy de francés"

Espero que lo disfrutéis tanto como este puente!! :)

Sergio's Journey

My journey was very exciting, because I when to Japan and I saw some very interesting this. For example people that were wearing like a samurai.

That was in summer, and well, me and we family when to Japan, because I love this country. And finally we finished to traveling to Japan.
There was spectacular scenery, there were a lot of cherry-trees, and the mountains were very high and steep.
The sea was so calming, but during the stay there was a tsunami and it destroyed some houses near the province of Kagoshima, by luck I was in other island. Out of that the journey was very great.

I recommend to all the people, that you have to travel to Japan and to Asia, because this countries are very different to owner countries and this things, are the change that the people need, if they want know more over his world.